Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How to evaluate a real estate opportunity?

The evaluation of a real estate property is simple:

  1. Verify property income -> actual income
  2. Verify property expenses -> adjust saler numbers + include vacancy
  3. Determine net operating income (NOI) = income - expenses
  4. Calculate the loan payment and your profit
1) Verify the property income

There is 3 types of income:
  1. Actual income: what the property has generated in the last 3 months
  2. Actual potential income: total income that could have been generated if 100% occupied
  3. Future potential income: total income at today market rents. 
Don't forget to consider vacancy (missing income due to vacancy). 

2) Verify the property expenses

Concerning the expenses:
  • Repairs and maintenance: it always increase (old = start higher)
  • Insurance is a fast moving business and rates can vary widely 
  • Replacement reserve: suspicious if 0 (usually under-estimated)
3) Determine the NOI
  • The larger is better but don't forget to include your loan payment ;)
  • profit = NOI-loan payments
4) Find the capitalization rate and valuation

Capitalisation Rate = NOI / Purchase price


Offer price = NOI / capitalization rate 

capitalization rate = [7-12]

5) Calculate the loan payment and your profit cash on cash

profit = NOI - loan payments
cash on cash = profits / down payment


saler price = 989K 
income estimate = 3K*4 -> 12K
expenses estimate = 7.2K (just taxes)
NOI = 5K
Offer price = 5K/.08 = 62.5K
saler capitalisation rate = 62.5K/989K=0.06 -> not 0.08
What should be the income to justify this valuation = 0.8*989k=79K

This property is definitely not a good investment. 

Supply and demand biggest factors for real estate investments

First, the market is more important than the property.

Second, value is drived by supply and demand.
Third, you should invest when supply = high and demand = low
 Forth,  The 3 drivers of supply and demand are:

    1. Location (visibility, rare qty,...)
    2. Employment 
    3. Population
When you are in a context of  supply = high and demand = low in a region, buy real estate at great location if population and employment should grow.